A new research report has revealed that advancements in technology could create drastic changes in the way human brains function.
In the study report, researchers embarked on an international collaboration that predicted some mindblowing developments that will happen in the world of 'Human Brain/Cloud Interface's.'
Researchers believe that human beings, in the future, could easily access information from the internet in real-time and this advancement can be made possible using a combination of nanotechnology, artificial intelligence and other more traditional computing.
Robert Freitas Jr, lead author of the study revealed that nanobots embedded in the human brain will act as liaisons to humans' minds and supercomputers, and will later enable matrix style download of information.
"These devices would navigate the human vasculature, cross the blood-brain barrier, and precisely auto position themselves among, or even within brain cells. They would then wirelessly transmit encoded information to and from a cloud-based supercomputer network for real-time brain-state monitoring and data extraction," said Robert Freitas Jr, quoted by Eurekalert.org.
Researchers also mentioned that the interface will not stop after linking humans and computers, instead a network of brains could help to form a 'global superbrain' capable of initiating collective thoughts. Researchers also talked about the possibility of conjoining human brains which they call BrainNet.
"While not yet particularly sophisticated, an experimental human 'BrainNet' system has already been tested, enabling thought-driven information exchange via the cloud between individual brains. It used electrical signals recorded through the skull of 'senders' and magnetic stimulation through the skull of 'receivers,' allowing for performing cooperative tasks," said Dr Nuno Martins, lead author of the study.
Researchers also revealed that this technology will be introduced before the end of this century.
A few months back, during the "Festival of Dangerous Ideas" at the University of New South Wales, a professor named Toby Walsh had claimed that artificial intelligence will match the human brains by 2062. He also added that a "fundamental initial shift has already occurred in the world as we know it".
This new study was published in the journal Frontier in Neuroscience.