Install Insomniac Kodi add-on to get 24/7 movies and TV shows

5 must-try Kodi add-ons in January 2017

The Insomniac Kodi add-on delivers special 24/7 movies and TV streams so viewers can access them without looking up for sources, links or episodes.

Insomniac comes from the Illuminati Repository like other amazing add-ons such as Boondock and Xtreme Odyssey. As a niche add-on for 24/7 streams, you can watch specific show, movie or niche continuously.

Also read: Get Alive.HD Kodi add-on to stream live music performance legally

If you don't quite understand its importance, 24/7 Kodi add-ons basically allow you to play content in the background, suitable for binge-watching or late-night chill on your couch.

Its main menu includes categories such as action, animated, comedy, documentary, horror, mafia, mystery, random and romance. There is also a life-saving option to sift through its massive library.

How to install Insomniac Kodi add-on

Below is a step-by-step guide on how to install the Insomniac Kodi add-on:

Step 1: Open the Kodi app. Click on Settings (cog icon) at the top left side of the interface.

Step 2: Choose File Manager > Add source.

Step 3: In the text field, click on inside it and copy and paste this source URL: Click OK.

Step 4: Name it Insomniac and then click OK. Double check and click OK.

Step 5: Go back to the main menu and click on Add-ons.

Step 6: Click on the Add-on Package Installer (open box icon) at the top left side.

Step 7: Select Install from zip file and choose the Insomniac file.

Step 8: Click on the file. Wait until installed.

Step 9: Go one step backwards and select Install from the repository.

Step 10: Find the Insomniac file and click on it.

Step 11: Choose Video add-ons and then select the content provider you want to be added.

Enjoy your new Kodi add-on!

This article was first published on January 15, 2018