Jay Slater, All We Know About the Missing Teen in Tenerife, As the Massive Search Operation With Drones, Helicopters Enters 10th Day

Last Heard From a 10 Days Back, Family and Friends Join Search Effort

Jay Slater, 19, from Oswaldtwistle, Lancashire, has been missing for over a week in Tenerife. His last known contact was on Monday, June 17, after missing a bus and deciding to walk back to his accommodation, an estimated 11-hour journey on foot. The disappearance has sparked a massive search effort involving family, friends, and local authorities.

Jay had traveled to Tenerife with his friend Lucy to attend the NRG music festival. After a night out, he decided to stay with two men he had met at the festival. Early on Monday morning, Jay called Lucy at 8:15 a.m., saying he was attempting to walk back to his holiday accommodation. During the call, he mentioned that he was lost, needed water, and had only 1% battery remaining on his phone. This was the last time anyone heard from him.

Jay Slater and His Mother

The last known location of Jay's phone was in the Rural de Teno park, a mountainous area popular with hikers near the village of Masca. From this point, the search efforts have been concentrated. Mountain rescue teams, local police, the Civil Guard, and fire crews have been scouring the vast and rugged landscape, utilizing sniffer dogs, drones, and helicopters in their search.

Timeline of Events

Sunday, June 16: Jay attended the NRG music festival with friends at Papagayo nightclub in Playa de las Americas, a tourist resort in the south of Tenerife.

Early Hours of Monday, June 17: Jay decided to stay with two men he met at the festival and spent the night at their accommodation in the north of the island.

7:30 a.m., Monday, June 17: Jay posted a picture on Snapchat from the doorway of the property where he stayed overnight, tagging the location as Rural de Teno park.

8:15 a.m., Monday, June 17: Jay called his friend Lucy, telling her he missed the bus and decided to walk back to his accommodation. He mentioned being lost, needing water, and having only 1% battery on his phone.

Shortly After 8:15 a.m., Monday, June 17: Jay's phone ran out of battery. His last known location was Rural de Teno park. He was reported missing soon after by friends.

Search Efforts and Developments

The search for Jay has involved multiple agencies and extensive resources. Local police and mountain rescue teams began scouring Rural de Teno park immediately after he was reported missing. Jay's family flew to Tenerife to join the search efforts.

On Wednesday, June 19, the search temporarily shifted to the Los Cristianos area in the south due to a potential lead, but this was quickly discounted, and efforts returned to the north. Jay's mother, Debbie Duncan, expressed her fear that her son might have been taken against his will.

As the days passed, the search efforts intensified. Emergency workers combed through overgrown terrain, hillsides, and rivers. On Friday, June 21, Spanish police rejected an offer of support from Lancashire Constabulary, stating they had sufficient resources.

By the weekend, search teams narrowed their focus to small buildings near Jay's last known phone location. Officers from the Guardia Civil circled two structures at the bottom of a ravine in Rural de Teno park. Debbie Duncan made a direct plea to her son, urging him to come home.

The community back in Oswaldtwistle has rallied support. A GoFundMe campaign raised £33,000 to aid in the search. Meanwhile, reports emerged that Jay might have been seen watching Euros matches, which the police are investigating.

Authorities are also exploring Jay's past for any clues. In 2021, Jay was involved in an assault case, and this is being considered as a possible line of inquiry.

As the search enters its second week, Jay's family and friends remain hopeful. The community's support has been unwavering, and search efforts continue with renewed determination. Anyone with information is urged to contact the local authorities as the search for Jay Slater continues.