Jennifer Lawrence recently encountered a foot in a mouth situation when she said that the sacred stones from a significant area in Hawaii are 'good for butt-itching'. No doubt that the Hunger Games actress offended the native Hawaiians with her insensitive remark.
The actress, who is one of the highest paid in the industry, told BBC's The Graham Norton Show that there were sacred rocks and reported, "You're not supposed to sit on them because you're not supposed to expose your genitalia to them."
'Katniss' of the Hunger Game series told the show presenter, "I, however, was in a wetsuit for this whole shoot so - oh my God, they were so good for butt-itching. One rock that I was butt-scratching on ended up coming loose."
She added: "It was a giant boulder and it rolled down this mountain and almost killed our sound guy. His whole station got destroyed, it was a huge dramatic deal and all the Hawaiians were like 'Oh my god, it's the curse'. And I'm round the corner going, 'I'm your curse - I wedged it loose with my ass'."
Lawrence later had to face people's wrath for mocking and disrespecting the sacred stones of a religious and cultural site and offending the sentiments of the people of Hawaii. It has also been reported that the area where Lawrence was shooting, the Waimea Valley on the island's north shore, has tremendous historical significance. The location where the movie crew was filming had several burial caves that contain the bones of the Hawaiian ancestors.
However, the 2012 Oscar winning actress apologised for her remarks on her Facebook page posting, "I meant absolutely no disrespect to the Hawaiian people, I really thought that I was being self-deprecating about the fact that I was 'the curse', but I understand the way it was perceived was not funny and I apologise if I offended anyone." But that did not stop the people from calling her 'heartless' and 'cruel' and posting resentful remarks on Facebook against the whimsical actress.