Julia Wandelt: Polish Woman Who Claims to Be Madeleine McCann Doubles Down as She Releases New DNA Test Results

According to Wandelt, the unnamed expert said that her DNA matched certain key traits of the missing child, including eye structure, dental features, and voice characteristics.

A Polish woman has once again claimed that she is Madeleine McCann. Julia Wandelt—also known as Julia Wendell or Julia Faustyna—claims that new DNA test results "strongly support" a connection between her and Gerry McCann, the father of the missing British child.

The 23-year-old gained international attention in 2023 after launching the Instagram account "@IamMadeleineMcCann," where she questioned whether she was the toddler who disappeared during a family vacation in Portugal in 2007. However, her claims lost credibility in April 2023 when a DNA test confirmed that she was not the missing daughter of Kate and Gerry McCann. However, this time she has made yet another bombshell claim.

Trying to Prove Herself Madeleine McCann

Julia Wandelt
Julia Wandelt X

The 2023 DNA test revealed that Wandelt's ancestry was Polish, Lithuanian, and Romanian, effectively disproving any possibility that she was Madeleine. Following the results, she apologized to Kate and Gerry McCann for the ordeal.

However, earlier this month, Wandelt reappeared on Instagram with a new account, @amijuliawandelt, where she shared updated DNA results that she claimed had been analyzed by a "world expert" in the field.

Madeleine Mccann

According to Wandelt, the unnamed expert said that her DNA matched certain key traits of the missing child, including eye structure, dental features, and voice characteristics.

In a series of posts on Instagram, where she referred to Kate and Gerry McCann as "my parents," Wandelt claimed that her "real DNA results" indicate she has both British and Irish ancestry. She further claimed that genetic findings "strongly support" Gerry McCann could be her biological father.

However, the McCanns have reportedly "refused" to take part in any testing.

Julia Wandelt
Julia Wandelt X

Wandelt said that her "source" allegedly examined "hair obtained from the floor of the crime scene in Portugal" and "saliva obtained from the bed quilt at the scene," which she claims resulted in a 69.23% match.

"The genetic evidence strongly supports that (Gerry) McCann could be Julia Wandelt's biological father, as the data aligns perfectly with a parent-child relationship," they claimed.

"If this analysis is accurate and properly derived from their DNA samples, the relationship between McCann and Julia Wandelt is biologically consistent with that of a father and daughter."

McCanns Still Do Not Agree

Wandelt had earlier made extensive efforts to prove she was the missing child, including submitting samples for three separate forensic tests to analyze her DNA and taking a 23andMe-style genetic test to trace her ancestry.

Madeleine McCann
Madeleine McCann X

On social media, she tried to support her claims by highlighting physical resemblances between herself and Madeleine.

She even appeared on Dr. Phil, where she stood by her claims and dismissed her biological parents' allegations that she had taken her own birth certificate and childhood photos to conceal her true identity.

Wandelt's representative, Surjit Singh Clair, told the Daily Mail that she is resolute in her intention to have both the McCanns and her Polish parents undergo DNA testing.

Madeleine McCann
Madeleine McCann's parents with her photo Facebook

However, Clair said that neither party is willing to participate. "Despite indicators she is related to Gerry McCann, neither he nor Kate will take a DNA test," Clair told the outlet.

During a 2007 vacation, Madeleine's parents left their three children sleeping in their apartment while they dined at a nearby restaurant, returning frequently to check on them.

However, when Kate went to check on the children at 10 p.m., she was shocked to find the door and window to their bedroom wide open, with the young girl missing.