Justin Bieber sure seems to be a fan of Black Mirror. Or at least one particular character from the hit series. Miley Cyrus has been promoting her character Ashley O in full swing on social media and one such post seems to have caught Justin Bieber's eye.
The post in question has Miley Cyrus dressed or rather undressed as her character Ashely O from Black Mirror. The singer is seen topless in a white tub filled with pink paint. Miley barely has her breasts covered in the pic. Reportedly Justin Bieber, liked the post and commented "Hailey and I loved the episode" to say he was a fan of her Black Mirror. We have to say, Miley Cyrus sure knows how to work the camera. Even if the post is a still from her music video.
Miley Cyrus has been going all out with her character of Ashley O, even releasing a song as her character. And when the Hannah Montana star saw Justin's comment she replied by saying: "@justinbieber JB FT AO?" translation, she was asking for a Justin Bieber featuring Ashley O collaboration. We have to say, that fans would love to see Ashley O and Justin Bieber collaborate.
Recently Justin Bieber called out actor Tom Cruise on social media, challenging him to a fight. Fans thought that Bieber had lost it as the challenge came out of nowhere. Tom Cruise did not respond to the challenge. Some fans began making fun of the singer and Justin later backtracked. Miley Cyrus, on the other hand, seems to be in Black Mirror mod, taking every opportunity to promote the show and her character Ashley O. Now that Miley Cyrus has released a song as Ashley O, she should go ahead and release an entire album as her character. You can check out the pic here