Fugitive yoga instructor Kaitlin Armstrong, 34, wanted in the murder of her boyfriend's lover, was arrested in Costa Rica by the Feds after getting lured by a fake advertisement for a yoga instructor.

Armstrong Underwent Plastic Surgery
Ending her 43-day run, Armstrong was found by the US Marshals in a hostel located on Santa Teresa Beast in Provincia de Puntarenas in June 2022.
The 35-year-old allegedly shot and killed Anna Moriah Wilson, 25, at the Austin apartment she was staying in on May 11, according to authorities. Wilson, a Vermont native, known to her friends as Mo, was found unresponsive, lying in a pool of blood with multiple gunshot wounds, by a friend a day after she arrived in Texas to compete in the Gravel Locos – a 150-mile gravel bike race she was favoured to win.
Wilson had previously dated Armstrong's boyfriend, Colin Strickland, a 35-year-old professional cyclist.
New York Post reported that in a new report it was revealed that Armstrong had her face altered after undergoing plastic surgery to change the shape of her nose. The outlet reported that as per the report the Texas woman used multiple new names to escape arrest.
Yoga Instructor Ad Led to Her Arrest
CBS News reported that the feds placed an ad for a yoga teacher on a local Facebook page in the one-street town of Santa Teresa, Costa Rica. After a week they got a notification about a person identifying themselves as a yoga instructor.
"We got a bite, somebody that, um, identified herself ... as a yoga instructor and said they wanted to meet with us at a particular hostel," Deputy US Marshal Emir Perez told the outlet. "And we said ... 'This is, this is our chance!'"
The news source detailed that Perez and his colleague, Deputy U.S. Marshal Damien Fernandez, discovered Armstrong seated at a table in the hostel. Perez conversed with her in Spanish as he observed her bandaged nose and swollen lips, which were the aftermath of surgeries aimed at concealing her identity. However, her eyes remained the same from the photograph.
"He gets in the car, and he is like, 'That's her. She's in there,'" Fernandez said adding that the local cops made the arrest following which she was brought back to Texas.