In a world where everyone is adjusting to their comfort zones and going about everyday with their daily routine with nothing exciting, Kazim Khan the emerging entrepreneur had something different to say about himself and why he opted for something that wanted him to take risks, considering his dilemma in childhood, when he used to be the little kid who feared about a lot of things.
He is the founder of a construction company named, 'Exalter group' which is moving forward touching milestones with their exceptional service and client engagement. They are one of the leading building companies in Delhi as well as Northern India. He has also been running another company, "Himas Impex" for the last three years. They are a private company handling large import and export activities. It is a wonder that he is able to handle both the companies at the same time, even with the pandemic putting them in a lot of tight spots these days.
His consistency in maintaining both the companies the same way, after it achieved the status of, one of the best buildings companies in Delhi is something to be appreciated. He says, "At times I would feel deeply exhausted and would be drained of energy to even come up with ideas. But once I realised that my clients have put a lot of faith on my company, I feel it is my moral responsibility as the owner and leader of the firm to work beyond their expectations. I always intend to work customer friendly. They are what made this firm reach a successful point."
From a frightened little kid to a mature adult entrepreneur who has taken risks all along his journey to success, Kazim Khan has come a long way. It took a lot of time to build his firm to a point where he didn't have to ask for fame. The fame eventually found him, with a tinge of excitement to his already thrilling and exciting life.
Owing to the ground reality that many entrepreneurs tend to forget that, it's not just about developing and coming up with ideas tot he clients, but there should be a potential that urged them to execute the idea with the same passion that they had in developing one. That doesn't come as one is born. According to Kazim Khan, it took a couple of failures and self improvement to have the kind of ease with which he handles the execution part of the innovative ideas now. It may seem no biggie, until one gets to try it. There have been many instances where big entrepreneurs fail to properly execute their ideas through their handling and this is exactly what makes him stand out.
He also stands by the firm belief that one has to accept their flaws and negatives in order to work upon it's improvement, which will in turn help to elevate the current status of the company and its works. He admits that he had his own mistakes and faults that he found out himself. But it has never made him back off from something he aimed to do. Kazim khan is completely against procrastinating. He always goes for the things that he wants to. He doesn't delay it at any cost. That's one quality that every entrepreneur needs in order to keep improving their quality of work and improve a lot more than they are doing now.
With his exceptional way of handling his business even at crisis times like this, sheds light on his self confidence and the determination that he never let go. With more success to conquer, he shines bright among the many stars.
In a world where everyone is adjusting to their comfort zones and going about everyday with their daily routine with nothing exciting, Kazim Khan the emerging entrepreneur had something different to say about himself and why he opted for something that wanted him to take risks, considering his dilemma in childhood, when he used to be the little kid who feared about a lot of things.
He is the founder of a construction company named, 'Exalter group' which is moving forward touching milestones with their exceptional service and client engagement. They are one of the leading building companies in Delhi as well as Northern India. He has also been running another company, "Himas Impex" for the last three years. They are a private company handling large import and export activities. It is a wonder that he is able to handle both the companies at the same time, even with the pandemic putting them in a lot of tight spots these days.
His consistency in maintaining both the companies the same way, after it achieved the status of, one of the best buildings companies in Delhi is something to be appreciated. He says, "At times I would feel deeply exhausted and would be drained of energy to even come up with ideas. But once I realised that my clients has put a lot of faith on my company, I feel it is my moral responsibility as the owner and leader of the firm to work beyond their expectations. I always intend to work customer friendly. They are what made this firm reach a successful point."
From a frightened little kid to a mature adult entrepreneur who has taken risks all along his journey to success, Kazim Khan has come a long way. It took a lot of time to build his firm to a point where he didn't have to ask for fame. The fame eventually found him, with a tinge of excitement to his already thrilling and exciting life.
Owing to the ground reality that many entrepreneurs tend to forget that, it's not just about developing and coming up with ideas to the clients, but there should be a potential that urged them to execute the idea with the same passion that they had in developing one. That doesn't come as one is born. According to Kazim Khan, it took a couple of failures and self improvement to have the kind of ease with which he handles the execution part of the innovative ideas now. It may seem no biggie, until one gets to try it. There have been many instances where big entrepreneurs fail to properly execute their ideas through their handling and this is exactly what makes him stand out.
He also stands by the firm belief that one has to accept their flaws and negatives in order to work upon it's improvement, which will in turn help to elevate the current status of the company and its works. He admits that he had his own mistakes and faults that he found out himself. But it has never made him back off from something he aimed to do. Kazim khan is completely against procrastinating. He always goes for the things that he wants to. He doesn't delay it at any cost. That's one quality that every entrepreneur needs in order to keep improving their quality of work and improve a lot more than they are doing now.
With his exceptional way of handling his business even at crisis times like this, sheds light on his self confidence and the determination that he never let go. With more success to conquer, he shines bright among the many stars.