Drone stalker
On Tuesday, Mary Dunham was driving back home from work when she spotted something glaring in the sky. At first, she thought that she was looking at a really bright star but it didn't take long for her to realize that it was actually a drone following her car, she revealed in a Facebook post.
Dunham said the drone continued to follow her as she drove down the road and pursued her even when she took a right turn. Feeling uncomfortable, she drove to a nearby gas station, where the drone followed her and started hovering above her.

"I drove to the gas station the drone followed me and then hovered and watched me. I was angry and felt helpless," she wrote. Concerned for her safety, she then called the cops and when a Gorham police officer showed up, the drone was still there.
When the officer got into his car to investigate, the flying aircraft started following him around instead for a brief period before going back to chasing Dunham back to her residence, where it hovered for about 20 minutes before disappearing for the night.
Drone resurfaces the next day
Dunham received the shock of her life the following day when the drone reappeared as she left her house to visit her brother in Standish. Dunham called the cops again and was told to meet them at a nearby parking lot. When officers showed up, the drone just hovered over them, watching them for more than 20 minutes.
As soon as she left the parking lot, the drone started trailing her again but this time Dunham managed to capture photos and videos of the drone. "The second I left the parking lot it followed me to my brother's house and has been outside waiting and watching me!" she explained in a separate post shared on Facebook the next day. "I'm so infuriated and feel violated and all I can do is document it and try to look into buying a pellet gun and hopefully shoot it down."
Cops are investigating the incident
Gorham Deputy Chief Michael Nault has already reached out to the FAA (Federation of Aviation Administration) and is looking into what his department can do to identify the pilot, such as checking the list of registered drone fliers in the area.
Meanwhile, police have advised people to stay alert and be aware of their surroundings, and also asked them to complain if they see something that looks out of place.