Mark Henry has spoken about his experience on sharing ring with The Undertaker. The World's Strongest Man, like many other wrestlers, keeps the Dead Man in high regards and explains how it feels for a wrestler to have a face off with him.

In #WORDSWITHSCOOP Instagram Q&A, he compares The Undertaker to Kobe Bryant (late basketball player) for his ability to create electrifying atmosphere with their presence. Mark Henry claims that he has wrestled with the stars like Ric Flair, Steve Austin, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Vader, The Rodck, Ron Simmons and many others, but facing The Undertaker remains different.
"I can stand 4-5 feet away from him and you can't hear anything. It's like a jet engine going on in your ear.You can feel like – there was a time in the late 80s and the early 90s when everybody's truck had the boom in it. Everybody had the woofers and the 6-by-9s and the amps. When you're in the ring with the Undertaker, it does your clothes just like that. You can feel it. It's not even the sound. It's that nervous energy.
It's electricity that's produced and all you have to do is watch the crowd when Undertaker comes. Everybody stands up! It's like everybody is focused on the slow walk to the ring and if you can't get into it, then you need to turn the TV off and watch something else. Because that's the most electrifying, entertaining, outstanding thing about pro wrestling that I've ever experienced," WWE Inc quotes him as saying.
The Sexual Chocolate also reveals an interesting information about the chance he had to end The Undertaker's winning streak at WrestleMania 22. The World's Strongest Man recalls how he almost had ended it in the casket match.
"It was close and there was some conversation about me being the one to break the streak. And if they would've asked me, I would've been like hell no! I don't want to carry that weight," he ends.
However, Brock Lesnar ended The Undertaker's streak at WrestleMania 30.