At a time when people around the world are waiting for a coronavirus vaccine and scientists working hard in developing it while more than millions of dollars are being spent in achieving a vaccine. Many of the American adults would not get a vaccine, even when it is available.
New survey results by Morning Consult in the US found that in case if the COVID-19 vaccine is developed and becomes available, almost 14 percent of American adults would not get the vaccine, while about 22 percent were not sure whether they would get a vaccine or not, often called anti-vaxxers. This shows that 36 percent of those belong to the group other than those who would get the vaccine.

Another recent survey by political scientists Kristin Lunz Trujillo and Matt Motta that's undergoing peer review found that almost 23 percent of Americans who responded to the survey said that they won't get vaccinated against novel coronavirus.
There are many such anti-vaccine activists who also have participated in protests across US opposing stay-at-home orders. Their argument is that SARS-CoV-2 is manufactured by corporations and corrupt governments. However, there are various shades of arguments in addition to this.
What age groups felt?

Morning Consult's data further reveals that an overall 64 percent US adults said that they will get a COVID-19 vaccine once available, while the number is 80 percent among the age group of 65 and above.
Between the age group of 35 and 44, only 53 percent of them would get themselves vaccinated, shows the survey. Surprisingly data by Trujillo and Motta showed that 62 percent of Americans inclusive of all ages are sceptical of vaccines and would forego COVID-19 vaccinations. Researchers called it "threat to collective immunity," anti-vaxxers might "jeopardize" the COVID-19 vaccine's impact even if it's available.
The further survey showed that 20 percent Republicans and seven percent Democrats would not get a coronavirus vaccine; the number goes to 16 percent in case of independents.