Social media marketing expert, Massab Shoukat relentlessly sets his mind on acquiring clients for his business. Massab is the founder of a company with a number of divisions, such as Fast Giveaways Inc ., Fast Agency Inc., and many other social media marketing companies , Collectively, these companies have made tens of millions of dollars. But how did this level of achievement come about? What was the driving force behind Massab work ethic? The answer is simple. Massab develops and sustains the right mindset: He has an unwavering attentiveness to the details required within the arduous process of adding to his company's client base.
"The key is to always look forward. I try to position myself where the opportunities lie, and it pays off every time," Massab shares, adding, "If you want optimal results, you need to keep things positive. Be prepared for anything, but expect the best. Whenever a tough situation comes about, you need to get your focus firmly off of that and on to the incredible things you want to achieve. Think big picture."
For Massab, having a big-picture mindset is an absolute necessity. "The going gets tough sometimes, that's true for everyone. In such moments, you need to have your eye on the ball and think of where you want to be in one or six months or a year. This is what will help carry you through and prevent you from quitting," he shares.
Massab has successfully scaled his business. He explains that there are three key ingredients to scaling a company, with the anticipation of making tens of millions of dollars. "First, you need hard work, then comes passion, and finally, a large market," the entrepreneur explains.
Massab works between 60 to 75 hours per week. Massab is always ready to make personal sacrifices for his business. To him, free time equals more work time. This is why it's so crucial to find a niche that is enjoyable. Massab loves social media and following all of its updates. His work feels more like fun than being a job.
The latest company founded by Massab Fast Giveaway Inc. was started only 2 months ago and has already scaled up to a whopping $10,0000 profit. This clearly demonstrates the power of hard work and passion.
Massab believes having a team of dedicated workers is another pillar of a successful business. "You always need to have a team. You can't do everything yourself," he says, elaborating, "The right people will come to you. Why? Well, they'll be attracted to the business model. If you force people to work, they'll be simply employees, and bad ones at that. The people you want are those who appreciate, and are grateful for, the opportunity, while also having that edge of competitiveness. These are the type of people you want by your side."
When hiring his team, Massab always goes for the people who have great energy and can relate to his vision for the future of his company. Currently, Fast Giveaways has 20 team members, and it continues to grow.
Massab's focus is as if a laser, always honed in on the details. When it comes to the competition, he doesn't pay much attention. "I like to be hyper-focused on my own thing. I stay in my lane and don't care too much about what other people do," he explains.
Massab considers his biggest success is the celebrity giveaways, run through Fast Giveaways Inc. "Just in the first month of running these giveaways, the total earnings were more than six-figures," he recalls, painting a bright picture for the company.
With Massab s focused efforts and big-picture mindset, the Fast venture is expected to go above and beyond and revolutionize the world of social media marketing.