A new study report published in the Journal of Women's Health has suggested that women who face miscarriages will be more prone to cardiovascular diseases like heart problems and strokes.
The research conducted by experts at the University of Cambridge revealed that women who faced pregnancy loss or do not go on to have children are at a greater risk of developing cardiovascular disorders when compared to their counterparts who have one or two children. Interestingly, women who have more than five children are at an increased risk of developing heart ailments during the latter part of their life.
Experts believe that pregnancy loss could result in psychological effects years after the pregnancy and it could be the main reason behind the trigger of cardiovascular diseases. Scientists also suggested several factors that may connect pregnancy loss and cardiovascular diseases which include, immune system disorders, chronic disease and dysfunction of the endothelium cells that line the blood vessels.
So, what makes women who have more than five children more prone to cardiovascular diseases? Repeated pregnancies will result in long-lasting effects on the female body including weight gain, fat deposit around the waist and elevated blood cholesterol levels.
"Conditions such as heart disease and stroke together are the leading cause of death in women in the developed world and it is essential that we understand why this is the case. Our work suggests that there is a relation between cardiovascular disease risk and both pregnancy loss and having a large number of births. This study isn't designed to stress and worry women, especially those who have experienced the distress of pregnancy loss. Instead, we want to empower women with knowledge that will help them to reduce their risk," said Dr Clare Oliver-Williams, a Junior Research Fellow at the University of Cambridge.
Clare Oliver-Williams also urged women above the age of 40 to embrace healthy lifestyle changes such as exercises and diets to reduce the onset of cardiovascular diseases.
"Most women know by the age of 40 how many children and pregnancy losses they have had, which is years before most heart attacks and strokes occur. This provides a window of opportunity to make lifestyle changes, such as exercise and diet that can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease," added Clare.