A Nebraska man called the police to confess that he shot and killed his roommate, whom he accused of abusing his adult daughter and giving her drugs.
Rodolfo Cateura Nogueras, 40, pleaded no contest in Colfax County District Court to second-degree murder in the death of Ariel Varella Herrera, 45, and second-degree assault in the non-fatal shooting of a neighbor, court documents said.
'I'm Calling to Tell You I Shot Him in the Head'
According to an affidavit, the case came to light on April 7 at 11:29 p.m. when a call came into Colfax County dispatch.
The Spanish-speaking caller, later identified as Cateura Nogueras, said he had a 20-year-old daughter living with him and a roommate, and the roommate was giving his daughter drugs and abusing her, the affidavit said. "I'm not calling you to turn him in, I'm calling to tell you I shot him in the head, and I killed him," he said.
Deputies and officers came to the area, finding blood and two .22-caliber shell casings on the ground. They opened one of the storage units and discovered Varella Herrera's body under some tarps, the affidavit says. Police determined that Cateura-Nogueras, who had left the scene, was renting that storage unit.
Cateura Nogueras Also Shot Another 38-Year-Old Man
Cateura Nogueras also shot his 38-year-old neighbor, with one of the bullets breaking a tooth and the other grazing his face and piercing his arm.
Catuera Nogueras was originally charged with first-degree murder, but that was reduced under a plea deal. Prosecutors also dropped kidnapping and weapon charges.
Police tracked down Cateura Nogueras through his cellphone in the early morning hours of April 8 in Missouri. The affidavit says he had a 22.-caliber handgun in his car. He is scheduled to be sentenced on Jan. 22.