Next Point Ventures: Empowering Small Businesses to Overcome Barriers

Next Point Ventures

Next Point Ventures (NPV), founded by Marc Snyderman, intends to revolutionize the venture studio model by supporting small businesses through crucial inflection points. Such studio models have become vital resources for businesses at critical development stages, breaking stagnation trends and accelerating growth by encouraging entrepreneurial ambition. Through active mentorship, infrastructure support, and creative problem-solving, NPV is more than just capital it's a partnership for lasting success.

How NPV Addresses the Challenges of Business Building

Both small and medium-sized businesses are bound to face unique challenges at crucial inflection points, where significant change in a company, industry, or economy could lead to loss or benefit. Whether it's a startup or an established firm looking to scale, every business must address these issues at some point. Venture studios like NPV are built to address these challenges by providing a blend of capital, operational support, and strategic guidance.

"We believe that business is business no matter what the vertical and the founder or entrepreneur in that sector will almost always have more industry knowledge than us. We work to enhance that knowledge and build infrastructure and processes, implementing technology where needed to always elevate value. The work isn't easy but it's rewarding."

NPV understands that the business owner has more experience in what they do, but every business has to learn to optimize its processes. The venture studio uses a proprietary stack method, integrating people, processes, and technology to meet the particular needs of a business. Where most traditional venture studios will stick to one area of expertise, NPV focuses on providing valuable knowledge and infrastructure that applies across various business sectors to drive long-term value.

Growing Ukreate's Influencer Platform

One of NPV's flagship products is Ukreate, which aims to revolutionize the creator economy by leveling the playing field for micro-influencers. With this platform, NPV promotes transparency, secure transactions, and fair pricing to bridge the gap left by competitors focusing solely on macro-influencers.

Where most competitive products look toward macro-influencers to promote their product, micro-influencers tend to offer a more down-to-earth perspective from which companies could benefit. NPV takes a bottom-up approach with Ukreate, providing education, training, intelligent contracts, and creator conferences as they grow.

Kickstarting Touch Pass

Touch Pass is another project which NPV is kickstarting, a game that seeks to blend American Football with cornhole. NPV was introduced to the young entrepreneur behind the project and was inspired to bring the product to market, working through the branding, marketing, and manufacturing processes necessary for a Kickstarter campaign to go live this quarter.

NPV's Vision for Success in Small Business

Whether based on social media or backyard games, NPV's ventures aim to help small businesses navigate challenging growth hurdles by directly providing capital and valuable strategic support. Built on its solution stack method, NPV has observed incredible success in the companies it supports.

Marc Snyderman explained his passion for helping small businesses with a quote from Simon Sinek: "'People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it.' I found my 'why' when I left Corporate America. I do what I do to help small businesses. There is nothing more rewarding than helping entrepreneurs of all ages set and meet goals and support them on that journey. I'm grateful to each entrepreneur that places trust in us to help them out and guide them."