Pioneer of The Forex Hub, James Watts Shares his Story

James Watts

James Watts is the founder of The Forex Hub, an educational platform for the Forex traders that he has developed.

James, in 2015, kick-started his career in Forex trading. He had always seen his mother financially struggle as a single parent and wanted to find her a way out. Investing all his savings, James, under significant pressure, dropped out of school and started his entrepreneurial venture. However, as he progressed, he observed every 2 out of 10 people drastically fail in start-ups or give up too soon. Being passionate about success, James never gave up and found out ways to tackle the highs and lows.

People often make impulsive decisions and get overpowered by the struggles that come in the way. Faint heartedness and lack of persistence is yet another factor that leads to emotional decisions. However, for traders who believe in careful analysis and research, James introduced an educational platform, The Forex Hub.

James Watts spent five years doing thorough research and hard work to develop an understanding of Forex trading and therefore succeeded at it. James learned from his own experiences and adopted the practices that worked the best for him.

James Watts, with his success in Forex trading, was able to pull his mother out of the financial constraint and decided to help others become financially stable by offering relevant training. For this purpose, he launched the well known Forex Hub to guide developing individuals and benefit them with his experienced-based strategies and methods.

James Watts also advises people who want to get into trading and start their own business to have a fresh mind and an organized way of life. James plans to create The Forex Hub into one of the largest educational providers in the coming years as well as religiously improvise his trading capabilities.