Sales Funnel most of you must be aware of this phrase but least people are into this business.But Pratham Waghmare from Pune, India is the ace of this space. At the age of 21 he has attained great knowledge and specific talent in this niche. He is probably the best example to present to the youth of the nation. As his inspiring story will surely encourage one to be the best version of themselves.
Pratham Waghmare is the youngest and undoubtedly one of the most successful internet marketers in Asia. He is the founder and owner of RedFire Digital Media, a company that supports businesses in the US to get more customers using sales funnels and Facebook ads. The company mainly assists doctors, chiropractors, and physicians to grow and multiply their practices. With humble beginnings and initial struggles he rose up and touched the heights of success. His initial conception was that formal education will no more work for him in his journey towards achieving big, so he left it in the middle and turned towards his passion for becoming a
successful entrepreneur.
His decision to learn the business tactics and models on his own wasn't the attainment, after
facing a lot of failures in several online business models, he got into building the company which
is now the biggest funnel agency in Asia in the health industry. In the year 2017, he started
getting low paying clients and grew from there. His first client paid him $100 and today he is
charging his clients $1,500 to $3,500 a month. His work profile is commendable as he has
worked with doctors in the US, UK, and Canada and helps them grow their practice. He is
phenomenally utilizing such platforms to impart his values, ethics, and knowledge with others.
That made him one of the admirable people with leading skills and aptitude.
His company is now listed as the top funnel agency in Asia for building sales funnels, something
he associates to sheer decision and enthusiasm to assist others to realize their goals. He vowed
to continue proposing his crucial assistance further attaining more doctors, physicians, and
chiropractors, relieving them of the burden of looking for a sustainable and reliable way of
growing. Well being only 21 years old and commencing with a company currently generating over $200,00 a year is not an effortless chore. Apart from being an entrepreneur, he is leaving an impact on people by encouraging, inspiring, and motivating them on how anyone can really achieve big by believing in themselves and taking risks at a young age.
Proving the nation that, strong will power and unbeatable skills can lead a person on the path of
huge success. When we asked him about how he was able to manage to achieve greater
heights and emerge at the top, Pratham said he strongly believes in what he does. "It
doesn't matter what is true, only what you believe is true, because with work that will become
true", said Pratham, while encouraging businesses to rely on the power of social media to turntables.
Media Contact:-
Pratham Waghmare
CEO - RedFire Digital Media
Instagram - redfire_pratham
Email - business.redfiredigitalmedia@gmail.com