The 2020 US election is practically over. For all you know President Donald Trump has won another term in office despite heavy odds.
Technically, the results will take hours or days to come in full. There's a great chance of a great deal of legalese being involved before the final verdict is out.
Networks including Fox News have not called any of the remaining swing states for either Biden or Trump. While Biden said he is 'on track to the victory', Trump went ahead to all but claim win.
Here's Why it Looks Like Trump has Made it
As per the Associated Press, Biden has bagged 236 electoral college votes as against 213 for Trump. The election, hence, boils down to the states of Georgia, North Carolina, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

Meanwhile, Trump has all but claimed victory. He also said he would move the Supreme Court to prevent states from receiving votes after the election day.
"This is a fraud on the American public. We were getting ready to win this election. Frankly, we did win this election...We want the law to be used in a proper manner. We'll be going to US Supreme Court. We want all voting to stop," trump said.
Georgia and North Carolina
It will be a stretch to believe that Georgia and North Carolina will go to Biden. Both states have counted more than 90 percent of the votes, while Trump has seemingly insurmountable leads in both the states. in Georgia it's nearly 3 points while in NC it's more than 1 percent. You've got to give it to Trump for all you know - unless of course there are nasty surprises in the remaining mail-in votes to be counted.
Biden's Chances in Pennsylvania
In Pennsylvania, Trump has a double digit lead while 75 percent of the votes have been counted. Of course this is a large state with a huge number of mail-in votes. It should also be noted that the megalopolis of Philadelphia is almost completely democratic. However, the Republican camp will be surprised if Biden overturns a double-digit lead there.
Wisconsin and Michigan
In Wisconsin and Michigan, Trump again has comfortable leads as of now.
Biden, who has 236 votes now, can comfortably claim six more in Nevada and four in Maine. Yet he will need to win at least two more large states from among Georgia, NC, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.
If he wins Georgia and NC while losing the other three, he will make it to the White House. He wins if he takes PA plus one of these as well.
The devil is in the details. Here' the absentee votes stand for the 'detail'. Both the camps are revving up their legal engines. Trump has already accused the rival camp of trying to mount hegal challenges to his 'victory'.
The Democrats are hopeful that Biden will come on top in at least two of the five end-game states left standing - MI,WI,PA,GA and NC.
But it's a rough road ahead.