Rahul Saggu Charges Every Young Entrepreneur to Never Settle For Less

Rahul Saggu

When we come into the world, we are told what to do and how to behave; we are given a set of rules that are supposed to define how we live our lives.

While these rules are good in and of themselves, these rules are often inhibiting, stopping us from becoming the best versions of ourselves. We are often told to act in certain ways that conform to societal standards, and in truth, these standards set us off to settle for mediocre results, mediocre lives.

Co-founder and COO of Modern-day Cannabis Rahul Saggu doesn't believe in following the status quo. After Rahul lost his father when he was in his mid-twenties, he vowed to always live by his words-trust his gut, give everything and live his best life. The UK born, Toronto-bred entrepreneur says that adding value to people's lives is what makes life worth living. One of his favourite quotes is from Steve Jobs. It reads: "When you grow up, you are told that the world is the way it is, and your life is to live your life inside the world. Try not to bash into the walls too much. Try to have a nice family life, have fun, save a little money. That's a very limited life. Life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact: Everything around you that you called life is made up of people that were no smarter than you. And you can change it; you can influence it. Once you learn that will never be the same again."

Staying trapped within the confines of the regular is something Rahul has never been able to do. Since he was young, he has been a very ambitious person. From hiking to playing the piano for ten years to having a black belt in Karate, to buying his first property at 21 years old, Rahul has constantly gone against the societal norm.

It doesn't scare him anymore when he takes control of his life to take on new challenges. If he isn't becoming better every day he feels it's wasted. He believes in waking up early and getting stuff done.

There is nothing that should stop anyone from doing the things that they truly want to do. The world is too big to play small. There are no awards for being the most average person in the room. Something is refreshing when you realize that you've got all it takes to become whoever you want as long as you're able to put in the work. You start to see the world in a different colour, brighter. Being able to live life this way puts you in a positive mind state where you're able to attract great things into your life.