Man Caught on Camera Fatally Shooting DJ at Ranchi Bar After Bartenders Refused to Serve Him Alcohol

Ranchi DJ shooting
Stills from the CCTV footage show the accused shooting the DJ from point-blank range. Twitter

A man fatally shot a DJ in the early hours of Monday, May 27, at a bar in Ranchi, the state capital of Jharkhand, after the bar staff refused to serve him alcohol.

CCTV footage captured the man barging into the Extreme Sports Bar clad only in shorts. His face was covered with a t-shirt, the video showed.

Accused and His Accomplices Asked for Alcohol After Closing Hours but Bar Staff Refused to Serve

As reported by local news outlet NDTV, the incident took place at Extreme Bar at around 1 a.m. when the accused and four others arrived after closing hours and asked the bar staff to serve them alcohol, police said.

"On being refused, a heated argument ensued between them and the bar staff. During the argument, one of them brought in a rifle and shot at the DJ in his chest from point-blank range," said Chandan Sinha, Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP), Ranchi to NDTV.

The CCTV footage shows the DJ falling to the ground after being shot.The DJ, identified as DJ Sandeep alias Sandy from West Bengal, was rushed to Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS), where the doctors declared him dead on arrival.

The following video is graphic in nature. Viewer discretion is advised:

Police Looking for the Accused Who Fled After the Shooting

The accused fled after the incident after the shooting. Ranchi Deputy Superintendent of Police and the local police station in-charge visited the crime spot this morning.

The police are examining the CCTV footage to identify the shooter and his accomplices. The bar employees are also being questioned.