Frank Hoogerbeets, a self-proclaimed seismic researcher, has claimed that powerful earthquakes measuring more than 6 in the Richter scale could jolt the planet either today or tomorrow. The Dutch researcher also revealed that a critical planetary alignment involving the Earth, Sun, and Mercury is the cause of this increase in seismic activities.
Hoogerbeets, on his website, 'Ditrianum' claims that he is using a sophisticated technology called Solar System Geometry Index (SSGI) to predict earthquakes. The researcher argues that gravitational tug of space bodies during times of planetary alignments will destabilise the tectonic plates on the Earth, and this is the main reason behind the dramatic rise in seismic activities at these times.
"After three years of observations, it became clear that some planetary geometry in the Solar System clearly tends to cause a seismic increase, while other geometry does not," Hoogerbeets wrote on his website.
Even though Hoogerbeets is quite adamant about his prediction, he did not reveal the exact place where the earthquake is going to hit. It should be noted that an earthquake measuring more than 6 in the Richter scale is considered dangerous, and it could cause serious infrastructure damage and casualties in the affected area.
As Hoogerbeets continue to make predictions, experts used to dismiss his claims stating that no technology in the modern world is capable enough of foreseeing earthquakes with precision.
However, fans of Hoogerbeets strongly believe that his predictions are true, and a powerful quake may jolt the planet in the coming hours. A few days back, Hoogerbeets had predicted the possibility of a strong earthquake in the first week of May. Interestingly, on the same timeline, a quake measuring 7.2 in the Richter scale rattled Papua New Guinea on May 7.