The US Army veteran Ronnie McNutt, who live-streamed his suicide has shocked people around the world on social media. The deceased ex-army man shared a heartbreaking final message on Facebook before he went online.
"Someone in your life needs to hear that they matter," his post read, that was shared on August 31. "That they are loved. That they have a future. Be the one to tell them," it further read. The man from Mississippi who had served tours of duty in Iraq shot himself on the hand live on Facebook as the graphic footage continued to be shared across many social media platforms that include TikTok.
McNutt Suffered From PTSD

Facebook deleted the original footage on the day it got posted, but it has been repeatedly reposted by netizens also on other sites by internet trolls making use of its shock value. The ex-army man's friend Josh Steen told the that he felt the social media platforms could have done more to suppress the video of his friend's death.
"Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social platforms could ban accounts, IPs, and stop the spread of this video. YouTube can flag you for using two seconds of a copyrighted song, but can't seem to filter out my friend ending his life," Steen stated. "It does not make sense," Steen mentioned who also said that McNutt used to suffer from PTSD after his military service.
Rumors and conspiracy theories regarding McNutt's death have also been making rounds. A fake account claiming to be the ex-army man stated that he faked his suicide, as reported by The Sun. "I faked my death beacause life fâ- sucks you know, I wanted to go away and I actually edited the video and made it into a live," the bogus account said. The screenshot of the post also went viral on social media platforms.