Most people in the world today have dreams, hopes, and aspirations, but sadly, very few work hard enough to live them. Sam Reklaw is an embodiment of this. The 32 year old believes that the majority of people out there will never succeed to live their dreams and this is a good thing because there is far less competition for him and other like-minded entrepreneurs.
But who is Sam?
He found himself briefly homeless at the age of 15 on the streets of England and is a high school dropout with no qualifications whatsoever.
"I don't need qualifications, because the people who work for me have them" he states.
Working as a cleaner, pizza delivery driver, warehouse worker, and other dead end jobs for minimal pay, he even went through the British Territorial Army before giving that up and pursuing business in any sector.
His first large businesses ended up being not so successful, as, after a number of bad decisions, they crashed and sent Sam into bankruptcy and into prison.
"I have no regrets, it's better to learn and make bad decisions in your early twenties while you still have a lot of runways ahead of you, you can and should take any risk in order to win. Most of the time you will lose, and that's okay because most people won't even try to begin with, so you're ahead already. Just accept the loss, learn from it, get up and move forward"
Fast forward 10 years and he has achieved what he believes is true happiness:
"Freedom", he says
"Freedom is what makes me happy. The freedom to not listen to a boss. The freedom to wake up, pack a suitcase and go wherever I want. The freedom to walk into a store and ignore the price tag. The catch? Freedom cost's money so works hard and get the money. It's not materialism, it's just a simple fact in the capitalistic society we live in"
So how did a high school dropout with a criminal record achieve this freedom? Owning multiple properties in different countries, having traveled over 50 countries around the globe, exotic cars, and motorcycles. He has raced in professional motorsport and was the 2018 CNA Racing Champion. He recently co-produced and acted in a feature film, and now plans to make more. So what is the secret?
"Convince yourself that the only person you can rely on in this world is yourself, the world owes you nothing, nobody will save you, nobody will give you the things you've always dreamed of. So everyday, you must wake up broke and hungry, convince yourself that no matter how good yesterday was, today you are broke and you must win at all costs.
Make a conscious choice to be the best version of yourself step by step. Small changes add up over time, your mission every day should be to make better decisions that you made yesterday, it's as simple as that"
But it can't be that simple surely? Otherwise, everyone would do it!
"But they don't," He says with a smirk, "and that's a good thing because it makes things much easier for people like me"
Maybe he has a point...