Shooting of Dog Lands San Luis Obispo Police Officer in Soup as Owners File for Claim

Nick Regalia and Riley Manford, owners of the pit bull-boxer mix named Bubs, have made huge government claims

Puppy and boy
Image for representation only. Pixabay

Joshua Walsh, police officer from San Luis Obispo (SLO) accused of shooting, killing a dog has been placed on administrative leave. Owners of the dog, Nick Regalia and Riley Manford have filed for government claim for damages. They threatened to file a lawsuit if authorities concerned fail to clear their claims.

Walsh had allegedly shot a pit bull-boxer mix named Bubs that resulted in the death of the dog. The incident occurred on September 26, 2019 on the 600 block of Santa Rosa Street. The spot of the incident was just half-a-block away from city police station.

Walsh had allegedly fired three times while striking him twice on the driveway of the apartment where the dog lived. One of the owners of the dog, Manford, said that he saw Bubs moving towards the cop but did not attack.

Walsh was there on the spot dealing with a burglary report. But Manford clarified that there was no burglary and she was fixing a window. After the incident, Walsh returned to patrol duty of April 13. The direction to send Walsh on leave is effective from May 6.

Couple Makes Huge Claims

According to the latest development, the owners of the dog, Manford and Regina, have filed for a government claim against the city. The couple is seeking damages for mental stress and post-traumatic stress they suffered after their dog was shot dead. They also said that their earning capacity was impaired and sought damages for loss of dog and property damage.

Manford said that while Walsh was making $100,000 a year, being at home she had to pay $10,000 in hospital bills after the shooting incident. Apart from damage claim, she has also asked the authorities to terminate Walsh from service.

According to earlier reports, Manford and Regalia were fixing the broken window when Bubs began to bark. Manford went after the dog and saw two police officers standing on their doorway. Manford explained to them that there was no burglary and that they were just fixing the window.

Bubs was still barking and Walsh reacted to it and is reported to have told, 'Come and get your f------ dog,' ... 'get your dog,'" Looking at the gun, Manford asked Walsh to put away the gun and allow her to take the dog. Without giving her a chance to take the dog away, Walsh allegedly shouted at the dog and killed it.