Sigourney Belle Weldon Is Coaching Female Entrepreneurs To Dominate Business With Their Natural Intuition

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Sigourney Bell Weldon

Sigourney Belle Weldon is a Bestselling Author, and spiritual leader in the global world of entrepreneurship. She is the founder of The Wildgrace Movement, a global community of teachers and leaders in the field of sacred sexuality and spiritual healing.

Spirituality is emerging more than ever as a method for female entrepreneurs to increase productivity, work satisfaction, and sometimes even the bottom line.

Sigourney shares her views on what this means for business and for female entrepreneurs who are embracing these modalities.

Sigourney believes that only in recent history did women take on more masculine traits for business in order to compete. She believes the natural temperament of women to be nurturers can also be applied to business and have positive effects.

"A return to the depths of the feminine is a return to our natural innate state, beyond the constructs and limitations that have been placed upon us from societal conditioning."

She believes intuition is key for women in both their business and personal lives to achieve a balanced lifestyle that is sustainable.

"It is to remember who we truly are beyond the concepts and ideas we hold about ourselves. It is to remember our birthright to feel rapturous and to navigate life from the deepest felt intuitive spaces of the body, which when relaxed, is naturally intuitive and inherently wise."

Sigourney can be found on Instagram @TheSigourneyBelleOfficial sharing her innovative coaching methods with her global community on a daily basis.

This article was first published on November 17, 2020