Singapore police arrested a 40-year-old man on Sunday, April 1 alleged to have molested a woman at the SGX Centre, located at 2 Shenton Way.
The police confirmed it on Monday saying the victim was allegedly molested by the accused in her office, where he was working as a renovation worker.
On Sunday morning, when the victim and the man were inside the twin tower high-rise complex in the city of Singapore, the office pantry to be precise, he had allegedly molested her. Even though the officials did not reveal the name of the victim, Central Police Division officers have identified the man and arrested him on Sunday and registered a case of outrage of modesty. The investigation is still on in the case.
Section 354Penal Code states that whoever assaults or uses criminal force on any person, intending to outrage or knowing it to be likely that he will thereby outrage the modesty of that person, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend up to 2 years, or with fine, or with caning, or with any combination of these.
Despite strict laws, Singapore has been beset with an increasing number of molestation cases on women every month.
In March, police arrested a 27-year-old man for molesting a woman in Bukit Timah. The victim said that an unknown man molested her when she was walking along Hindhede Walk near Upper Bukit Timah Road at night on her way home.
In the same month, an India-origin physiotherapist was found guilty of molesting an 18-year-old girl patient during a therapy session and was sentenced to 11 months of imprisonment, including three strokes by the cane.
Another 34-year-old man was taken into custody for raping and molesting his own mother. When the court found him guilty of the offence he received a sentence of 16 years in jail, including 18 strokes of the cane.