Singapore actor Aloysius Pang's situation critical; Admitted in ICU

Aloysius Pang
Aloysius Pang YouTube grab

The Singapore actor, Aloysius Pang, who was seriously injured during a SAF (Singapore Police Force) training exercise in New Zealand on January 19, required another surgery as his condition deteriorated.

The Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) said on Wednesday that the current condition of Corporal First Class (NS) Pang is quite critical and he is now admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). They added that the third surgery was done on Tuesday, at around 11.54 pm at Waikato Hospital in Hamilton.

The 28-year-old celebrity is an Armament Technician from the 268th Battalion Singapore Artillery and had been taking part in Exercise Thunder Warrior at the Waiouru training area in New Zealand.

The day he was admitted to the hospital, Pang underwent abdominal surgery. Then on Monday, January 21 a follow-up relook operation was completed at around 11 am.

Tan Tock Seng Hospital's chief of trauma and acute care surgery, Dr Teo Li Tserng, had been working with the Waikato Hospital medical staffs to provide the best care for Pang, said MINDEF. The ministry and SAF also stated that they will provide support to the family of the injured. As reported, the family have flown to New Zealand.

Dasmond Koh, the co-founder of NoonTalk Media, which manages Pang said in an Instagram post that although the second operation was a success, CFC (NS) Pang's health condition decorated a few hours later. He also added in the post, "Everyone is waiting for Aloysius' condition to improve... He will get better."

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知道很多朋友非常关心伟衷 @aloypang 目前的状况。 第二次的手术(视察)虽然成功完成,几小时后伟衷的状态开始恶化,随即也进行了多一轮的手术。 手术完成后,就转入了加护病房由专人负责看护。 新加坡医疗团队的主治医生张立胜医生现在和我们在一起。他跟新西兰的医疗团队不断做密切沟通。 大伙都在等待着伟衷病情好转的时候。。 他会好起来的。。 传媒朋友,请不要跟我们要照片,我了解你们也在担心,请求你给我们点空间。 稍后再联系大家 #双手合十为伟衷祈福 🙏🏻

A post shared by 许振荣 Dasmond Koh (@dasmondkoh) on

The actor started his acting career at the age of nine and at the 2016 Star Awards, he was named as one of the top 10 popular male artists. He also received the Best Newcomer Award at the 2015 Star Awards.

On January 5, before joining the SAF training exercise in New Zealand, Pang wrote in an Instagram post in Chinese that "Off to serve our country. Back at the end of the month! May not be able to post much when I'm there" and added, "wait for my return."

This article was first published on January 23, 2019