During the 36th ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting Official Dinner, the School of Law building at Singapore Management University (SMU) has received the Energy Efficient Buildings Award in the new and existing building category at the 2018 ASEAN Energy Awards for Sustainability Ceremony.
ASEAN Secretary General, Dato Lim Jock Hoi presented the award to SMU President Professor Arnoud De Meyer.
This is the second time when SMU won a regional award for energy management after 2016 when they received ASEAN Best Practices Awards for Energy Efficient Buildings (Retrofitted Building Category).
The individuals and some organizations have received 2018 2018 ASEAN Energy Awards for their innovation of cleaner, more energy-efficient technology for improved energy systems in the region.
As per the SMU website, after winning the prestigious award, President Professor Meyer said, "Getting this building up was a big project for us. Reaching environmental sustainability is a great honour, and I'd like to congratulate the whole team."
Here are the key design features:
- Energy-efficient LED lighting with dimmable controls. The building is designed for lighting density of 5.8 W/sqm
- Intelligent Lighting Management System
- Naturally ventilated toilets and staircases installed with motion sensors
- Escalators and lifts programmed with smart energy saving modes
- Local thermostats in teaching spaces for air-conditioning control
- High efficiency chilled water FCUs (Fan Coil Units) and Computer Room Air-Handling (CRAH) units for all IT rooms and Data Centre.
- Ultraviolet lights and electronic air filters for AHUs (Air Handling Units to reduce airflow loss and improve efficiency
- Enhanced Passive Displacement Cooling (EPDC) units (i.e. a cooling system with no fans) installed at the food & beverage space
- High-Velocity Low Speed (HVLS) fans in the central social spaces such as the atrium
- Building performance display which showcases in real-time the energy and water consumption performance of the building. This is to communicate the importance of water and energy conservation to its occupants and visitors.
- Its chiller plant system operates at a high efficiency of 0.54kW/RT1 with optimised streamlined chilled water and condenser water pipes, controls through the use of Variable Speed Drives for the pumps and cooling towers
- Automatic irrigation system, using rain and soil moisture sensors
Sundar Selvam, Vice President, Office of Campus Infrastructure and Services said, "Passive displacement technology for climate control is not new. However, the way it is being leveraged upon, with enhancements to its design capabilities, continues to offer new levels of flexibility which helps us to develop more and more sustainable spaces."
However, earlier this year SMU won the Community in Bloom Awards (Gold) by National Parks Board and the Singapore Environmental Achievement Awards (Merit Winner) by the Singapore Environment Council.