Singapore: Video captures 2 cars while racing on road like 'Fast and Furious'

Singapore road race
Two cars racing on Singapore road Facebook/ SG Road Vigilante

A video captured two cars while running side by side in the Singapore road on Saturday, May 19. As per the visuals, it looked like both the vehicles were racing with each other that people have seen in the movie "Fast and Furious."

The dashboard camera footage was posted on a Facebook page called SG Road Vigilante. A social media user, Jonathon Lam has shared the video with a caption, "Looks fun. Wonder who started."

Even though the video did not attract many views, after watching it a Facebook user, Travis Lin commented that both the cars were slow. On the other hand, another user, Shawn Jacky said that Traffic Police should be informed about this incident, as those drivers were extremely fast.

Among all the traffic violations, over speeding is one of the major offences. As mentioned in the rule book of driving in the country, if a vehicle was found

  • Exceeding speed limit of the vehicle up to 20km/h
  • Exceeding speed limit of the road up to 20km/h.

Then the drivers will receive "4 Demerit Points", including a fine of S$130 if it was 'Light Vehicle' (unladen weight of 2500 kg and below) and S$160 for Heavy Vehicle (unladen weight exceeds 2500 kg).

The offenders of exceeding speed limit can also receive "6 Demerit Points", with a fine of S$150 and S$180 for light and heavy vehicles respectively, if

  • Exceeding speed limit of the road by more than 20km/h up to 30km/h.
  • Exceeding speed limit for the vehicle by more than 20km/h up to 30km/h.

Offenders can get "8 Demerit points," including fine S$170 and S$200 for the light and heavy vehicles, if

  • Exceeding speed limit for the vehicle by more than 30km/h up to 40km/h.
  • Exceeding the speed limit of the road by more than 30km/h up to 40km/h.

Drivers will be liable for "12 Demerit points" with a fine of S$200 for light vehicles and S$230 for the heavy vehicle and will be prosecuted in court if they

  • Exceeding speed limit for the vehicle by more than 40km/h up to 50km/h.
  • Exceeding the speed limit of the road by more than 40km/h up to 50km/h.

Offenders can receive 18 and 24 Demerit points and will be prosecuted in the court if they

  • Exceeding speed limit for the vehicle by more than 50 km/h up to 60km/h.
  • Exceeding speed limit of the road by more than 50km/h up to 60km/h.
  • Exceeding speed limit for the vehicle by more than 60 km/h.
  • Exceeding speed limit of the road by more than 60km/h.
  • Reckless or dangerous driving.