Colombian fashion designer Miguel Caballero is selling his bullet proof clothes in the US, and his marketing strategy is certainly attention grabbing. Caballero shot his wife in a live demonstration to prove that his designs work.
Colombian fashion designer Miguel Caballero is selling his bullet proof clothes in the US, and his marketing strategy is certainly attention grabbing. Caballero shot his wife in a live demonstration to prove that his designs work.
56% of voters believe President Trump is tearing the country apart, while 33% believe that he is drawing the country together, according to a Fox News poll.
Footage shows a helicopter rescuing 11 crew members waiting in the control room of a sinking vessel in Hong Kong at the peak of Storm Pakhar on 27 August. The ships bow was already submerged by the time rescuers arrived to pluck the sailors from the ship. Pakhar brought severe weather to the area as it swept past the Chinese city.
Footage shows a helicopter rescuing 11 crew members waiting in the control room of a sinking vessel in Hong Kong at the peak of Storm Pakhar on 27 August. The ships bow was already submerged by the time rescuers arrived to pluck the sailors from the ship. Pakhar brought severe weather to the area as it swept past the Chinese city.
Footage shows a helicopter rescuing 11 crew members waiting in the control room of a sinking vessel in Hong Kong at the peak of Storm Pakhar on 27 August. The ships bow was already submerged by the time rescuers arrived to pluck the sailors from the ship. Pakhar brought severe weather to the area as it swept past the Chinese city.
Emergency crews rescued over 1,000 people around Houston, pulling people from cars and homes, as flood waters rose across southeast Texas on Sunday (August 27).People had to rely solely on boats to move around as more than 30in (75cm) of rain battered parts of the city over the weekend, turning main roads into rivers.
Emergency crews rescued over 1,000 people around Houston, pulling people from cars and homes, as flood waters rose across southeast Texas on Sunday (August 27).People had to rely solely on boats to move around as more than 30in (75cm) of rain battered parts of the city over the weekend, turning main roads into rivers.
Emergency crews rescued over 1,000 people around Houston, pulling people from cars and homes, as flood waters rose across southeast Texas on Sunday (August 27).People had to rely solely on boats to move around as more than 30in (75cm) of rain battered parts of the city over the weekend, turning main roads into rivers.
President Trump has attacked Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan, blaming them for rebuffing his request to raise the debt ceiling tied to a Veterans Affairs bill.
President Trump has attacked Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan, blaming them for rebuffing his request to raise the debt ceiling tied to a Veterans Affairs bill.
President Trump has attacked Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan, blaming them for rebuffing his request to raise the debt ceiling tied to a Veterans Affairs bill.