South Korea's popular bromance couple, Song Joong-ki and Park Bo Gum seem to be inseparable lately. Their alleged romance hit the headlines almost regularly, and the "Descendants of the Sun" actor keep posting new bromance pictures on his Instagram account. Recently, Bo Gum has openly expressed his feelings for Joong Ki in a recent fan meet.
Since, the stars openly show-off their bromance, fans started being more open about how they feel about their bromance relationship. On Wednesday Joong-ki posted another bromance photo with Bo Gum and the photo got more than 100,000 likes in one day, indicating how much the fans like seeing the couple together.
However, some were pretty tired of their bromace couple being open about their relations and bromance pictures being posted every week, as one of the fans, marisollopezperiera, asked, "Again these two together?"
Another fan, ruchi1091 asked, "Why u always post with him?"
While some of the fans of the alleged couple found the photos "handsome and cute" as angelblue.0804 wrote, "Both r looking damn handsome."
While one of the fans of the alleged couple, Irinaglinta confidently claimed, "Because he loves him and he is not afraid to show it."
Meanwhile, Joong-ki confirmed that he would be attending the 29th Korea PD Awards where he is reported to be receiving the Best Performer Award under the Best Actor category, Korea Portal raised the question whether on such an occasion he would bring his bromance partner with him or not is yet to be seen.
While the SongSong fans are hoping Joong-ki to bring his "Descendants of the Sun" co-star Song Hye Kyo to the awards night. The bromance fans predict that he would bring Bo Gum instead.
In other news, Joong Ki's Philippines fans are dying to meet the actor and thousands of fans signed a petition in Change.org stating: "We, Filipino fans of Song Joong Ki are requesting Blossom Entertainment to include Manila, Philippines on his Asian Tour. We, Song Joong Ki's fans would like to see THE BIG BOSS in person. Thank you! God Bless and more power to SJK's career."