On the latest episode of "Strong Woman Do Bong Soon," that aired on March 31, Friday the "Saturday Night Live Korea" host Kwon Hyuk Soo made a cameo as a Buddhist monk. The character was shown when Baek Soo Tak (Im Won Hee) decided to visit the monk as he lost against Do Bong Soon (Park Bo Young) many times. He visited the monk in order to try to start a new life.
Kwon Hyuk Soo's character made the viewers laugh with his bushy hair and serious facial expressions. As Hyuk Soo is friends with Kim Won Hae and Kim Min Kyo, who plays Kim Kwang Bok and Agari, respectively, on the JTBC series he agreed to appear on this how despite his busy schedule.
During the filming of the episode, Kwon and Im made the people on the set laugh too. In fact, Kwon brought uniqueness to his character, which was highly praised by the director.
According to Soompi, Kwon said that his character in "Strong Woman Do Bong Soon" was very humorous so it was fun filming it. He also added that he decide to appear on the show because it is really humorous and he himself enjoys the show very much while watching it.
In other news, recently, the former I.O.I member Kim Chungha participated in the OST for the JTBC drama with the track "Pit A Pat."
ZZOM TV, on March 31 released a live performance video of the OST track sung by Kim Chungha's so that the fans can see her singing whereas the MV for the song is actually projected in the background, Soompi reported.
"Strong Woman Do Bong Soon" airs every Friday and Saturday on JTBC.