The satirical comedy-drama 'Succession', which has been created and developed by Jesse Armstrong, has a few parts of its plot inspired by real-life events. The show is an American TV series that premiered on HBO on June 3, 2018.
The series revolves around the lives of a few individuals of the Roy family, who own a global media empire and are fighting to get control of the company, mainly because the owner's health is threatened. "Succession" has been trending ever since its inception for the amazing concept and especially the way this concept has been delivered. It is one show that most people are occupied with after 'Game of Thrones' and the fans seem to be obsessed with it.
According to an article published on 'Variety', there have been six real-life events that have been showcased on the show. The six instances are given below.
- The first is the incident where Kendall Roy 'accidentally' kills the waiter and then flees from the scene. This is inspired by the real incident in Chappaquiddick that took place in 1969 relating to US Senator Ted Kennedy.
- In season two, the second episode showcases how Kendall Roy dismisses the employees and replaces them with five interns and one editor. This scene seems to be inspired after BuzzFeed declared massive layoffs.
- The Roys heading to Argestes a conference organised for the billionaires mirrors the annual Allen & Co. Sun Valley conference that takes place in Idaho.
- When Roman Roy is sent away to management training, he's seen walking around a theme park ground as "Dirk Turkey". This is similar to the tradition Disney follows, where employees spend time at theme parks to get acquainted with how their customers feel about the big brand, Disney.
- Logan's family takes a trip to New Mexico mainly for a group therapy session and Logan Roy naming a successor. This is much the media mogul Rupert Murdoch's attempts to manage his family dysfunction by arranging a retreat, according to The New York Times.
- The family patriarch's threatened health (at the beginning of the show) is similar to American businessman Sumner Redstone's declining health.