Taken Off Guard? US Raises Alarm Over Putin's North Korea Visit

Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin

The U.S. government has expressed significant concern over Russian President Vladimir Putin's recent visit to North Korea. Pentagon spokesperson Pat Ryder emphasized the implications of the deepening ties between Russia and North Korea during a briefing on Tuesday in Washington.

"The growing cooperation between Russia and North Korea is worrisome, particularly for those dedicated to peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and for supporters of Ukraine as they resist Russian aggression," Ryder stated.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre highlighted the impact of North Korean weapons supplies to Russia, which have bolstered its campaign in Ukraine. "No country should provide Putin with a platform to further his aggressive war in Ukraine and Russia," Jean-Pierre said, noting that the conflict "blatantly violates the UN Charter and threatens the international order."

North Korea ICBM
The ICBM fired by North Korea reportedly landed 210 kilometers from an island in norther Hokkaido Twitter

North Korea, facing global isolation due to its nuclear weapons program, has been accused by Ukraine's Western allies of supplying arms and ammunition to Russia. Both Moscow and Pyongyang have repeatedly denied these allegations.

During his visit, President Putin was greeted by North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Pyongyang on Tuesday evening. Analysts suggest that the two-day visit will likely focus on arms deals, which Russia seeks to support its ongoing war in Ukraine.