Telegram Nth Room sex scandal has reached a breakthrough with the arrest of the founder of the chatroom and the police have made his face public. Moon, who was known as God God founded the Telegram Nth room that victimized hundreds of girls, including minors into recording sexually violent and abusive videos.
Moon was arrested on May 11 and is said to be a 24-year-old man. The police shared the video of his arrest and his face (wearing a mask) was shown to the public while he was being taken away by the Seoul Metropolitan police for questioning.
Latest details revealed that Cho Joo Bin (also known as Jo Joo Bin) who operated the Nth Room under the name Baksa is the main suspect in running the Nth Room chatroom that is said to have been influenced by God God. He is believed to have used God God's methods and created his own series of chatrooms. God God is said to have stopped operating chatrooms created by him by September 2019, when Baksa became active and made his operations functional.
When God God stopped operating the Nth Room chatroom, a man whose surname is Jeon (more details not revealed yet) and known as Watchman (38 years), who till then operated a chatroom called Gotham Room succeeded God God and started operating Nth Room too. Reports claim that God God reportedly stopped operating the Nth Room to take his college exams.
Police in fact had trailed God God for months together before arresting him. The biggest challenge was tracing his whereabouts and he used false internet protocol address to conduct his online activities. In fact, in a chatroom run by Cho Joo Bin, God God had said in January that the police will never be able to catch him. God God is said to have received payments through gift certificates and thought that police would never get hold of him as he did not deal with cryptocurrency.
So far 430 suspects have been detained and questioned including arrest of hundreds of them including the main suspect Cho Joo Bin and his minor, teenage associates Kang Hoon and Lee Won Ho, who operated various chatrooms.
Reports claim that the case was cracked after Senior Superintendent Jeong Seok-hwa, a veteran in handling cybercrimes got involved in the case. Jeaong Seok Hwa had also played an important role in arresting Son Jong Woo in 2018, who founded and operated the largest dark web child pornography website in the world.
Police Commissioner General Min Gap-ryong had announced last week that a likely suspect had been identified referring to God God.
But one of the main co-conspirator Samagui is still at large and police are looking for his whereabouts. Police feel that many of the users of Nth Room created by Cho Joo Bin were also users of Nth Room created by God God and have paced up the investigation in this regard.