An Israel-based company has developed drive-by thermal sensors that can identify drivers and occupants who are running a high temperature, the main symptoms of coronavirus.
A Tel Aviv company has installed thermal sensors to its drive-thru inspection stations that can help detect drivers and passengers who may have a fever. This will give healthcare professionals a heads up that an individual might require additional testing for COVID-19.
Drive-by inspection stations

The company, UVeye, mainly produces hands-free, drive-thru inspection stations that can identify a number of physical and safety defects in a vehicles as it passes through its advanced sensors.
These are often used by several automakers like Volvo, Skoda, Toyota, and Daimler in their assembly plants to flag vehicles with manufacturing defects before they're shipped out to dealers or customers. UVeye's customers also include rental car agencies, fleet owners as well as insurance companies, who use the inspection stations to find flaws.
Infrared heat-seeking sensors

UVeye has now armed its screening stations with infrared thermal imaging sensors that can not only reveal any problems with the vehicle but also read the occupants' temperature. The company claims the temperature readings are accurate to about 0.3 degrees celsius.
These inspection stations, which require no human contact or intervention, can be places at emergency drive-thru lanes set up at hospitals, health care facilities and other community locations to take an individual's temperature from a distance.
Vehicle inspection stations amid COVID-19 outbreak

UVeye founder and CEO Amir Hever says the company's drive-thru inspection stations combined with the thermal sensors can also play an essential role in protecting frontliners, and help government officials who are attempting to speed up the process of identifying people infected by the COVID-19 virus.
"Our technology can help fleet operators maintain their vehicles in safe operating condition without the need for 'hands on' testing or inspection," Hever said. "We also will be able to assist car dealers, independent garages and vehicle rental agencies in setting up inspection lanes that can ensure that their mechanics are not exposed to individuals that still might be infected with the virus."
The company is willing to make its stations available to emergency and service fleet operators on a not-for-profit basis amid the COVID-19 outbreak. These include Police and ambulance fleets as well as delivery vehicles transporting essential items like food and medical equipment.