As many industries require real-time Biometric Attendance System and a seamless access control solution, including employee time reporting, accessing and misusing other employee's access cards, altering work hours, among others, India-based firm Tvisha Technologies has come up with a Biometric Attendance System 'TimeDynamo', a cloud-based application that is completely automated in recognizing employee attendance based on physiological characteristics and is an integrated HR application in itself.
According to an American Payroll Association, an average employee reportedly plagiarizes approximately 4 and a half hours per week, which is corresponding to 6 weeks' vacation if extended over a year. 'TimeDynamo' is completely automated in recognizing employee attendance based on physiological characteristics and is an integrated HR application in itself, said a statement.
TimeDynamo covers features include tracking and storing employee attendance, leave management request and approvals, managing employee information, and generating customized e-attendance data, which could readily be integrated or uploaded into existing HR or payroll management systems. Employees can see their own timesheet while the team leads can behold the attendance of the team members on TimeDynamo's user friendly mobile app.
This product is very helpful for startups, small & big retailers & MSMEs and presently offered in SaaS-based subscription model, said the company.
The current edition of TimeDynamo supports fingerprint access, which provides the clock in/out, break patterns, leaves, permissions, OT requests and expense claims of employees. Industries like healthcare and retail do not function in the same timings and it is a strenuous task for the management to create separate schedules for each section. But with roster, a feature of TimeDynamo, retail and healthcare organizations could create weekly/monthly work schedules customizing employee shifts, week offs, overtime and branch/leave swapping as per their business need.
The company's CEO Mr. Sudhir Naidu expresses, "TimeDynamo has already helped more than 100+ enterprises automate their day-to-day life activities successfully." He further said the TimeDynamo has been shortlisted by NASSCOM under top 10 innovative Product Showcases, in the fifth edition of Nasscom Product Conclave (NPC).
Soon, TimeDynamo will be launching the Dual Iris and Geo-location based attendance recording platform and a fully integrated payroll management system, before the end of this year, he revealed.