Stepping behind the lens was never on Hollywood actor, Angelina Jolie's bucket list. Traveling around the world for the United Nations unfurled a vast range of prospects and antipathy, currently prevailing in the world, to the Oscar winning actress.
The Toronto Film Festival on Sunday, September.10, screened her Cambodian genocide film "First They Killed My Father" and the Afghan film "The Breadwinner". Seemingly the struggle and dispute in contemporary worldly situations have inspired most of her recent films.
"I never thought I could make a movie or direct," Jolie told an audience at the Toronto Film Festival.
Her first directorial venture, the 2011 Bosnian war drama, "In The Land of Blood and Honey" gained considerable attention worldwide. Jolie told Reuters that her philanthropic activities for the United Nations refugee agency as a special delegate, inspired her on the same.
"I wanted to learn more about the war of Yugoslavia. I had been in the region and traveling in the UN. It was a war I really couldn't get my head around. It was not a goal to become a director," she said.
"The Breadwinner" is an animated film, produced by Jolie, renders the sad reality of countries like Afghanistan, illustrating the tale of a young Afghan girl who cuts her hair to look like a boy in order to support her family.
It "tells the sad reality of many girls having to work and not go to school," said Jolie.
"The people I have met over the years are truly my heroes. The nice thing about being a director is to champion other people," she continued.
While assessing and exploring more on the history of Cambodia, the birthplace of her adopted son Maddox, Jolie gathered significant knowledge about the mass genocide. "First They Killed My Father" has been established on the same.
The film narrates the story of a young girl who faces the country's 1970s genocide and how she is obligated to move to the countryside in order to work in rice and paddy farms , eventually taking up arms as a child soldier.
After Jolie's remarkable achievement in the world of acting, her ingress into the world of filmmaking already looks promising.