A Toronto man tricked two men into believing they were talking to a woman online and invited them over to his home to have anonymous sex through a hole in a sheet hanging on his doorway on two separate occasions in 2020.
The ruse came to an end when the second man pulled down the sheet to find the man, cowering on the ground while wearing a black wig. Tony Sfeir was arrested at the time and last week an Ontario Court judge convicted the 33-year-old on two counts of sexual assault for misleading the victims about the identity of their sexual partner.
Sfier Tricked the Victims into Believing They were Having a 'Glory Hole' Encounter with a Woman
Sfier was sentenced to 28 months in prison – 14 months for each count. He was also ordered to register himself as a sex offender, as reported by The Toronto Star.
Sfier was convicted last September after the judge found that the two victims believed they were talking online with a woman and were going over to her home for a "glory hole scenario," that is, a hole in a wall — or other material — through which people can engage in typically anonymous sex.
As instructed, the victims walked into the home and put their penises inside a hole in a sheet hanging in a doorway. Oral sex was performed, and then it became penetration without warning, which both victims believed was anal. Their identities are covered by a standard publication ban.
Sfier Tried to Defend Himself by Saying the Victims Engaged in Sexual Acts with a Woman Named 'Angels' Who Had Access to His Home
Sfier, in his testimony, claimed that the men were in fact communicating with a woman named "Angela," who he said had access to his home. However, the judge concluded that "Angela" was a fictitious person created by Sfeir.
Sfier's attorney also suggested that the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic led to poor decision-making by Sfeir, but the judge said there was no evidence of that.
"Many people during the pandemic had difficulty making personal connections and were creative in how they dealt with it," Justice Cathy Mocha said. "Mr. Sfeir is here because he committed criminal offences that negated the ability of the victims to choose how and who they engaged with."
In her sentencing decision Friday, Mocha found that there was "no evidence of real remorse or appreciation of harm done" on Sfeir's part and that his offences involved a fair degree of planning.
"The method he used of the glory hole, using a wig, telling the victims they had to be quiet so he wouldn't have to speak to them — all helped to maintain the illusion that he created in his communications that the victims were engaging with a woman," the judge said.