TripleOne: The Proof That Traditional Corporate Hierarchy Became Outdated and Obsolete


For a long time, most dominant societal institutions (primarily the government, the church, and the military) embraced the centralized structure as the governance model. It was only natural that companies and corporations followed in those steps and adopted centralization as the golden standard for a successful business model.

But progress in the traditional, centralized business model is a slow and tedious process. To get anything done, the employees are forced to "jump through hoops" and navigate archaic company policies set up to protect investors' or the company's profits. With progress being slowed to a halt, hard work is not being rewarded accordingly, which in return creates a toxic and hostile work environment.

TripleOne, as a company, is the complete opposite of these traditional institutions with its revolutionary, decentralized business model. The company is entirely financially independent and doesn't rely on loans or investors. Nobody is, and nobody will ever be able to invest in TripleOne, as that is what TripleOne's founder James Williams Awad sees as a progress-impairing factor. He imagined TripleOne as a financially-independent company with an egalitarian structure that values both individual empowerment and teamwork.

TripleOne uses a decentralized business structure where employees from all over the world come together and manage the company as one big unit. The concept of an employee-governed company is based on the premise that any employee can contribute their idea and decide which direction the company will go. Thanks to financial independence, TripleOne is able to employ a unique system that highly encourages the freedom of idea-sharing, and it creates a progressive work environment where bright and self-motivated entrepreneurs can thrive properly.

Why is this impossible in traditional companies? The majority of businesses are either in debt or had to seek investors to secure additional cash flow. A company with investors cannot make any decisions or changes unless the investors approve them first.

Unfortunately, the majority of investors are interested in making short-term plans that will generate profit quickly. On the other hand, company owners try to devise long-term plans that will gradually increase the company's funds. These two opposite approaches may cause difficulties and tension with decision-making. Investors can also put financial, mental, and emotional pressure on the company's owner and the employees.

TripleOne team consists of employees who are in charge of internal development and users who serve as the owners of the company. All users are treated equally, and everyone gets to decide on the future of the company. All the funding comes from the revenue generated by successfully finished projects and from TripleOne's founder, James William Awad. As Awad pointed out on his Instagram (@senior), no one is allowed to invest in TripleOne except himself. In addition, TripleOne doesn't have any debt to other institutions or individuals.

Times are changing; the centralized corporate hierarchy has become outdated and obsolete. TripleOne is revolutionizing how business is done by eliminating the progress-impairing rules present in centralized business models by being debt-free and financially independent. The company has not been around for too long, but it's already making a massive impact on the business market.

TripleOne offers freedom that every hardworking entrepreneur yearns for. At TripleOne, every user is their own boss and subordinate at the same time. Every month, each employee is given an opportunity to participate in the overall business operation, which will net them a certain amount of points if they decide to do so. At the end of each month, the points are calculated and converted into monetary rewards. In simpler words, the more an employee is willing to participate, the more significant the monetary compensation will be.

Users are the driving force of progress at TripleOne as they are the ones who decide what direction the company should go in by voting on the employee-submitted projects. Having no investors and being self-sufficient is what allows TripleOne to operate in such a unique way.

The decentralized business model aims to create more egalitarian structures inside the company that will value both individual empowerment and teamwork. With the decentralized business model, the work done by TripleOne is always dynamic and ever-changing. The goal is achieving progress through perpetual improvement, and TripleOne's services and products continue to evolve over time as they are never considered "finished."

Anyone interested in becoming a driving force of progress at TripleOne can join for free at the company's website.