The UK Prime Minister suggested that a second lockdown was not that necessary but official government data stated something else, as per reports. As the number of coronavirus or COVID-19 infections continues to increase, UK looks set for a pretty high death toll from the deadly disease than during the first wave of the pandemic unless restrictions beyond the Tier 3 are implemented, as per reports.
The SAGE committee has looked into documents this week that says that all the models suggest a high risk than those estimated at any point as per the current Reasonable Worst Case Scenario. The report also suggests that the UK can witness more than 4,000 deaths a day if a lockdown is not imposed. The prime minister and Chancellor Rishi Subnak are said to have got into a discussion on Friday, as reported by the BBC.
COVID-19 in UK

The document states that the median peak infections are projected to go over 50 percent to 150 percent greater than in the first wave of the virus in Spring. It is understood that Johnson is considering giving 'stay at home' instructions. The order may come as early as Monday and it is believed that it can last for a month with the hope of easing it during Christmas.
There are plans for accelerating mass testing. The report is believed to be from the SPI-M group of scientists and all models predict the infections and deaths will be higher this time around. There are predictions that hospitalizations are probably going to peak in middle December as the report added that the window to act is now for the majority of the nation.
The deadly virus outbreak has created a major stir around the world in recent times. Most of the countries around the world are gearing up to fight a second wave of the deadly virus in the winter as a vaccine is expected to be ready by the first quarter of 2021.