A horrifying video has featured moments of a Kyiv city bus exploding due to a deadly missile strike in an intersection on Monday. The footage taken from a park shows the bus hit by a rocket. A bystander looks up at the sky shortly before the explosion. Suddenly, the bus explodes into a ball of flames by a direct hit.
The video, released by the Kyiv City Council, shows a green stationary bus halted at the intersection. The surveillance footage also shows the bystanders taking a few steps back after the explosion. The incident took place at around 11 am local time.
Kyiv Mayor Vitaly Klitschko shared closer shots of the city bus through a short video. The footage features the destroyed city bus and surroundings.

"This is a war that Russia started. It is the city of Kyiv. Many cities in Ukraine were destroyed, lives were taken. That's the truth. These visuals show the truth of Russia's war in Ukraine...Putin's war in Ukraine", the Mayor says.
Putin's dream of creating a Greater Russia is my country's nightmare. #SaveUkraine#kyiv #StopPutinsWar #Standtogether #FreeUkraine #WeAreAllUkrainians #StandWithUkraine #StopTheWar pic.twitter.com/EKw3K6BsbZ
— Klitschko (@Klitschko) March 14, 2022
Klitschko accompanied the footage with the caption: "Putin's dream of creating a Greater Russia is my country's nightmare."
Two people died and nine injured in the missile strike, according to Bild, a German news outlet.
Heavy Explosion Destroys Apartment Blocks
There has been another heavy explosion in Kyiv on Monday that destroyed an apartment block. The building that is located in the suburbs of Kyiv cty was hit by a deadly missile strike. It is one among the several missile attacks launched by Russia against Ukraine. On Monday morning, a missile attack destroyed an apartment building in the district of Obolon. A person died and six were injured in the attack.
Meanwhile, Russia and Ukraine are between the fourth round of talks and the negotiators of both the countries are on pause until Tuesday, according to the negotiator of Ukraine.
As negotiations continue, people are living in fear and anti-war protests strongly expressing their views. The broadcast of a major television news show of Russia was interrupted by an anti-war protester by holding a sign board.
"No war, stop the war. Do not believe propaganda. They tell you lies here. Russians against war," the sign read.