A new study led by Dr Maia Smith of St George's University, Grenada has found that weightlifting is more beneficial than running to maintain a good heart health. During the study, researchers analyzed the health record of more than 4,000 people and came to the conclusion that static activities like weightlifting and push-ups have a greater effect than an equivalent amount of dynamic exercise like running and walking.
The new research report contradicts with the popular assumption that dynamic activities like running and walking are more beneficial than static exercises. The study report revealed that oxygen expenditure will be more intense during static exercises, and it will finally result in better cardiovascular health.
"Both strength training and aerobic activity appeared to be heart healthy, even in small amounts, at the population level. Clinicians should counsel patients to exercise regardless - both activity types were beneficial. However, static activity appeared more beneficial than dynamic, and patients who did both types of physical activity fared better than patients who simply increased the level of one type of activity," said Maia Smith, Telegraph.co.uk reports.
After analyzing the data of 4,000 participants, researchers found that 36 percent of younger and 25 percent of older adults engaged in static activities. On the other hand, 28 percent of young people and 21 percent of older adults were doing dynamic activities. People who did these exercises had 30 to 70 percent less chance of developing cardiovascular disorders, but participants who were doing static exercises had a little upper edge over people who do dynamic workouts.
"One interesting takeaway was that both static and dynamic activity was almost as popular in older people as younger. I believe this gives clinicians the opportunity to counsel their older patients that they will fit into the gym or the road race just fine," added Smith.
The lead researcher also added that engaging in either dynamic or static exercise is very much essential to maintain a healthy heart.
A few weeks back, another study report has revealed that the intake of multivitamins will not improve heart health. Researchers who took part in this study made this conclusion after monitoring more than 2 million people for 18 years.