Coronavirus pandemic has made work from home a new norm. While many companies are thinking to make it a new model, Twitter has allowed its employees to work from home permanently.
In an email to its employees on Tuesday, Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter told that its folks would be allowed to work from home permanently, that is not only at the time of the lockdown but even after the coronavirus pandemic ends. However, employees of jobs requiring a physical presence, such as maintaining servers, would be coming to the office.
A Twitter spokesperson told BuzzFeed News that the company had thought well on how to approach this as he cited that Twitter was "one of the first companies to move to a work-from-home model." The company would continue the approach keeping the safety of their employees and communities first, he added.
No events in-person

Similar to other IT companies such as Microsoft and Google, Twitter told its employees to work from home as early as March looking at the spread of the coronavirus, explains the company in its blog. At the same time, the company says no to business travel until September with a "very few exceptions," along with "no in-person company events" the whole of 2020.
The company's HR head Jennifer Christie previously said that the company might never be the same again in its work structure adding that its team managers will have a different perspective on remote working. Dorsey said in his email that it would reassess its plan for events in 2021. The company also increased allowance for work from home supplies to $1,000 for all employees.
Plus and minus
There are both plus and minus. Carbon emissions might likely reduce with less commuting as millions are working from home, globally right now. It will save bucks for the company with reduced power usage in buildings, with some branches closed, companies may decide to stop renting some workplace branches.
I work for the Canadian federal government and they sent out an email with work at home guiding principles. It’s amazing to work for a place that speaks like this.
— Mark Richardson (@slavetothehat) May 11, 2020
But some reports say that workers felt lonely while losing a comradely relationship with the work team. Creativity sparks often in coffee chats with co-workers are missed too. It can also spark bridging of the personal and professional divide which some people have maintained. However, Twitter has started looking at the challenges facing the new normal, it remains to be seen how this passes too.