What 'Madridi' Mohammad Ismail have to say about his journey from a small coffee shop to ''Dark Shot?''

Mohammad Ismail

Consistency and determination are the pillars in building a business. Start it small with minimum cost and let the business grow by itself, take action, at times you might get a setback but keep working towards the goal you have set for yourself. Every big business begins with a small start-up. Mohammad Madridi who now owns a brand named ''Dark Shot'' also started with a small coffee shop in the global village of Dubai. Initially, he did not know many things but with time he learned them all.

Mohammad Madridi was born on 5th August 1987 in Dubai in a lovely big family. He studied at Al Ghuriar University and later on pursued his passion for chocolates, coffee, and sports. He found out about the procedures earlier people used to follow in preparing chocolate drinks and their recipes. He supports Real Madrid and that is how he got the name" Madridi.''

At his cafe''Dark Shot,'' hot chocolate drinks are served with an amazing presentation. There are many unique recipes of chocolate that Madridi came up with on his own. The interesting thing is his customers love it when he tries something new and leaves adorable feedback in return. Madridi ensures to serve quality drinks to the customers and makes no compromise on it in any way. He brings pure blocks of milk, white and dark chocolates, cuts them to put in hot milk, and serves fresh. He is working to take ''Dark Shot'' worldwide.

Mohammad Madridi says be it anything if you make up your mind to do it at any cost it'll happen. You cannot expect things to execute by themselves. Get up, put in your efforts, be it wrong but keep trying because facing failures teaches you a lot.