Details of 'Telegram Nth Room', the chatroom at the centre of the underage sex trafficking scandal that shocked South Korea, will soon be made public. According to the announcement made by the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency, the identity of the main suspect in the scandal, Baksa, will be made public.
The police agency stated that the details will be out on March 24. On March 19, the Seoul Police Agency arrested the main suspect, whose alias is 'Baksa' (that means doctor or guru), along with thirteen of his accomplices. Four of them have been jailed. Baksa is said to be in his 20s. One of the suspects is known as Cho, whom users paid.
Baksa was wanted not only in the case of sex trafficking of minor girls but also in various violent crimes against at least 70 women. The videos of minor girls recorded after blackmailing them had been sold to more than 2,60,000 people, say reports.
What is 'Telegram Nth Room'?
After gathering details about them, the suspects blackmailed the minors by asking them to send pornographic videos of themselves. These videos were allegedly shared through chatrooms on Telegram (the encrypted instant messaging app). The suspects received payment through cryptocurrency.

Videos, mostly violent in nature, were shared in a series of Telegram chatrooms. Victims were forced to do whatever users wanted to watch. Users had to pay to put forth their demands and to watch these videos. Shockingly, some demands were gruesome including inserting scissors inside private parts of the girls, reports stated.
A petition to reveal the identity of the suspects
It is said that out of a total of 74 victims of the Nth Chatroom scandal, 16 were minors. So far at least 2.2 million people have signed the petition. The petition has been filed by the presidential office and has demanded that Cho's photograph be released. People have also demanded that the identity of users of the chatroom also be revealed. Cops are trying to trace the identity of a person known as 'God God' who is at large. He is believed to be the one who created the chatroom.
When the details of Nth Chatroom were first reported, people including celebrities expressed their anger and demanded that their identity be made public. A petition was also launched demanding the names of suspects be revealed. Many celebrities including actors Jung Rye Won, Don Spike, Jo Kwon, Ravi, 10cm's Kwon Jung Yeol, and others took to their respective social media handles and urged people to sign the petition.