There are many weird people who modified their body to transfer themselves from ordinary to extraordinary. People know about Josiah Zayner, who edited his own DNA to become real-life Captain America and a Russian boy called Kirill Tereshin, who injected homemade potion to increase his muscle size to have another superhero like of physic. Now, a woman cut her finger, as she wanted to wear it as a pendant.
Torz Reynolds, who is an Essex body piercer and tattoo artist, has numbed her little finger on her left hand and then used a bolt cutter to chop the half of it. Later she took the half part of the finger and kept it in a freezer and forgot about it.
But the weird part is, she put the finger with an alcohol solution in a small glass container cum a bottle looks like a locket. Torz said that she will wear it in some special occasions as a necklace.
The 30-year-old Torz mentioned that she thought this idea was cute and wanted to do it for years and named the finger as 'wiggles.'
According to Mirror.co.uk, Torz said that she did not want to waste it so she thought of turning it into a necklace.
"I thought a necklace would be the easiest thing to make and I wanted to do something to mark Wiggles' first birthday," she further added.
She did a photo-shoot for Wiggles birthday and her boyfriend brought her some stump miniature hats.
According to Torz the inspiration of chopping her little finger had come from a friend of her, who did kind of similar weird thing.
Before cutting the finger Torz did some preparations for self-imposed amputation, as she practised bending her finger backwards to experience how it will be once she chops her little finger.
It is not the first time when Torz did something extreme, as in 2014 when she split up with her ex-boyfriend for cheating on her, she cut off a tattoo from her forehead and sent it to the man via post.
"I packaged it up so it really did look like a present. I even used different handwriting so he'd have no idea that it was me. I can't imagine what his reaction was. I wish I could have been there to see it," she said.