A new study report published in the European Heart Journal has revealed that people who are victims of workplace bullying often tend to increase their chances of developing cardiovascular diseases like heart attacks and strokes. As per the new study report, people who get bullied every day have 120 percent higher risk of developing cardiovascular diseases when compared to individuals who do not face these challenges at workplaces.
During the study, the research team analyzed survey data from more than 79,000 working men and women between 19 and 65 years old who had no history of heart ailments. Out of these 79,000 people, 9 percent revealed that they were victims of workplace bullying, while 13 percent said they were exposed to violence at workplaces.
Regular follow-up of these participants for twelve years revealed that 4 percent of these workers who took part in the study developed cardiovascular diseases. Some of them even got admitted in hospitals following life-threatening events like heart attacks and strokes.
"If there is a causal link between bullying or violence at work and cardiovascular disease, then the removal of workplace bullying would mean we could avoid five percent of all cardiovascular cases, and the eradication of violence at work would avoid more than three percent of all cases," said Tianwei Xu, a postdoctoral student from the University of Copenhagen in a recently issued press release.
Tianwei Xu also added that eliminating workplace bullying is very much effective to reduce the occurrence of cardiovascular events among workers.
"If we can eliminate workplace bullying and workplace violence, the impact on cardiovascular disease prevention would be similar to if we prevent diabetes and risky alcohol drinking," added Xu.
A few days ago, another study led by Dr Maia Smith of St George's University Grenada had suggested that static exercises like weightlifting are more beneficial to maintain a better heart health when compared to dynamic workouts like running.