Asia Pacific

Surgeon Guarrera prepares donated harvested kidney to transplant into patient Abernathy as part of five-way...

Singapore: Organ donation and how it connects people

Since the first heart transplant was performed in 1990, Singapore has had a total of 73 heart transplants. There are currently 23 patients on the waiting list for a new heart.
Sep 27, 2017
By Rishvi Pragasam
Rise in dengue in Singapore, 7th reported death in 2016

Singapore still safe from 'super malaria', says Ministry of Health

The Ministry of Health in Singapore has stated that super malaria has not been detected in Singapore yet, giving a bit of relief to locals after the virus' spread to Southeast Asian countries like Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar.
Sep 25, 2017
By Adrita Biswas