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Five shocking bans on women around the world

Five shocking bans on women around the world

From not being able to obtain a driving license, to being banned from entering stadiums to watch sports. Here are five controversial anti-women laws still in place around the world.
Jul 11, 2017
By Staff Reporter
Meet Sam, The First Educational Transgender Toy

Meet Sam, The First Educational Transgender Toy

Gender Creative Kids Canada have launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise money to produce the first transgender educational toy, Sam. Sam is an essential tool designed to help children understand what it means to grow up as a transgender child. They hope the toy will help families talk about the struggles of being transgender and help those going through the process to be true to themselves.
Jun 30, 2017
By Staff Reporter
Supreme Court approves most parts of Trumps travel ban

Supreme Court approves most parts of Trumps travel ban

The U.S. Supreme Court approved most of President Trumps travel ban. The executive order temporarily blocks travel to the U.S. from six Middle Eastern and North African countries for 90 days, and suspends all refugee resettlement in the U.S. for 120 days. The banned countries include Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. The Supreme Court will hear arguments over the orders constitutionality in October.
Jun 28, 2017
By Staff Reporter
Candlelight vigil in Hong Kong commemorates 1989 Tiananmen Square crackdown

Candlelight vigil in Hong Kong commemorates 1989 Tiananmen Square crackdown

Thousands attended a candlelight vigil to commemorate the victims of the 1989 Tiananmen Square crackdown in Beijing. On June 4, 1989, the Chinese government deployed troops to crackdown on pro-democracy, student-led protests. It is estimated that hundreds, if not thousands, were killed that day, although Chinese authorities have yet to release an official death toll. Organizers estimated that 110,000 gathered for the vigil, while police estimated only 18,000 took part. Hong Kong is one of the few places under Chinese control that such commemorations are allowed. Nearly three decades later, any public commemoration of the protests is still banned on the Chinese mainland.
Jun 7, 2017
By Staff Reporter
Former Maldives President on fighting corruption and climate change

Former Maldives President on fighting corruption and climate change

Former President of the Maldives, Mohamed Nasheed, shared his experience with defending democracy at the 2017 Oslo Freedom Forum. On 7 February 2012, Nasheed resigned as president under disputed circumstances, following weeks of protests by the opposition, which had then been joined by a majority of military and police forces.
Jun 5, 2017
By Staff Reporter
#ThisFlag leader Evan Mawarire on Zimbabwes future

#ThisFlag leader Evan Mawarire on Zimbabwes future

Zimbabwean pastor and activist, Evan Mawarire created the #ThisFlag movement in April 2016 with a simple video that spread across social media and created a movement that inspired thousands of Zimbabweans. At the 2017 Oslo Freedom Forum, he told his story and shared his views with Newsweek on the future of his home nation, Zimbabwe. 
Jun 1, 2017
By Staff Reporter
Palestinian prisoners end mass hunger strike after securing concessions

Palestinian prisoners end mass hunger strike after securing concessions

Around 1,100 hunger-striking Palestinian prisoners ended their 40-day fast. They reached a compromise with Israel on additional family visits. Israel agreed to allow the inmates a second family visit each per month. 18 prisoners are being treated in hospital because of the hunger strike.Palestinians rallied behind the hunger strikers as national heroes. More than 6,000 Palestinians are currently in prison for offences linked to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
May 27, 2017
By Staff Reporter
Why Irans election is important to the world

Why Irans election is important to the world

A year ago few would have believed that Hassan Rouhani would struggle to win re-election in Iran. But when Iran goes to the polls on 19 May, Rouhanis future is far from certain. Hardliners have coalesced around Ebrahim Raisi, a 56-year-old cleric that is sceptical of Irans nuclear deal with the West and is understood to have the favor of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Irans Supreme Leader.
May 17, 2017
By Staff Reporter
Who is Chelsea Manning?

Who is Chelsea Manning?

The U.S. Wikileaks whistleblower is to be released from prison on May 17 2017, but who is she?
May 17, 2017
By Staff Reporter